Voici l’article de Mme Hoareau, professeure de Littérature australienne au collège de Dumbéa sur Mer, au sujet de la visite de Mme la consule générale d’Australie, Alison Carrington, M. le Maire de Dumbéa, Georges Naturel et de M. le vice-recteur, Erick Roser.
The 30th of November the Consul General visited the year 7 of our Australian Section at DSM :
The 30th November, we were much honoured to welcome Ms. Alison Carrington in our FABULOUS school and we made a presentation about what we have studied in our Australian Section class this year thanks to Ms. Hoareau...
So, Mr. Cuggia and Ms. Hoareau introduced themselves, our school, the Section and so on... We then got full attention of the audience, among which the Consul General, the vice-president of the Board of education, the mayor, the inspector and a journalist.
We talked about projects we have carried out, readings we have done, stories we have made up, letters we have written to penpals, Australian and Aboriginal songs we have discovered, exhibitions we have visited in art galleries, our interview of the artist Marie Jarden, etc...
At times, we would stop talking and start singing. Then we cheered up Nina and our Australian Literature teacher, Ms. Hoareau, who were both playing the guitar. We also explained that we are going to send a book we have written collectively to Morris Gleitzman, the famous Australian novelist.
It was fabulous and we really enjoyed this event. After working assidiously for about an hour or so, we enjoyed a delicious and much appreciated afternoon tea. There were a lot of cakes which had been cooked by the highschool staff. We would like to thank them for their cakes and juices, it was delightful !
We really enjoyed this moment with our classmates, some of our teachers, the Australian assistant Caitlin who went back to Australia. We thank her for teaching us a lot of new things. Many, many warm thanks to our Headmaster Mr Cuggia who sent the invitations and welcomed our eminent guests, to our school librarian Ms. Bendimiya who housed the event, provided logistic support and took pictures, to our prestigious guests who congratulated us on our hard work and to all the people who were there (Isabel Arellano from the International Relations Service, Julia Trinson from the Consulate, etc.) and especially to our wonderful teacher in this special section, Ms. Hoareau.
The year 7 A.I.S. class
Mise à jour : 8 février 2021
Collège de Dumbéa-sur-Mer 1
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98830 DUMBEA
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